Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Border Patrol Uniforms Made In Mexico

Why, when there are companies in the U.S. capable of making these uniforms, is our government buying them from Mexico?  How many Americans could be employed to make these uniforms?


Obama Going After Good Guys With Guns

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

President Obama Lied...

President Obama lied when he said, "...as many as 40 percent of all gun purchases are conducted without a background check."


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Did Mark Kelly Commit a Felony?

Another aspect of the Mark Kelly AR-15 purchase , something the media will likely ignore, is that he may have committed a felony when making the purchase.

If Mr. Kelly did not intend to keep the AR-15, but instead give it to another person or group (he says he planned on giving it to the Tucson PD), he is committing a felony by being a “straw purchaser” under current law. Also, he must have stated on the ATF Form 4473 that he was buying it for himself, so he committed perjury on the BATF form, also a felony.

Mark Kelly and his wife Gabby Giffords bought and owned firearms before, so his argument that he bought a .45 semi-automatic handgun, an AR-15, and large capacity magazines to see what the process is like is bogus.

While the FBI background check is fairly quick, thanks to technology, he still was not able to leave with the rifle on the same day he purchased it. Furthermore, by making the purchase he is supporting the industry he is attacking.

Using his logic, if I'm trying to prevent prostitution or drugs, then I should hire a prostitute or try meth to better understand the problem.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Internment and Resettlement Camps on U.S. Soil?

This "Internment and Resettlement Operations" document, created in 2010, by the Army is interesting. One would think that it applies to military operations overseas where large numbers of war prisoners are detained, but on page 146 (7-16) it says to list the prisoner's social security number.

On page 24 (1-40) the document describes the agencies involved with internment and resettlement. Among them are the UN, Red Cross, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), and FEMA.

On page 56 (3-56) it refers to "Psychological Operations" involving "indoctrination programs" to remove "antagonistic attitudes" and identify "political activists."

The document also gives blueprints for the facilities, with each one capable of holding 8,000 prisoners.

Even if this is designed for combat situations it is odd how it seems like it could also apply to U.S. citizens.

The document is posted online at http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf

A Vindictive Administration

Do we have a vindictive president?  There are many things they can cut without touching salaries and jobs, not that some probably are too high or unnecessary   Much of the claims made by Obama were lies meant to create hysteria among workers.  It seems it is easier for this president to get his way by blaming others and using fear, then actually taking responsibility and leading.
Obama lied about the capitol janitors having to take pay cuts.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A 7-year-old Maryland boy has been suspended from school after biting his breakfast pastry into a shape that his teacher thought looked like a gun

CBO: Federal Revenue to Set Record in 2013

President Obama has said we need a balanced approach, which includes more taxes. However, he has already gotten his tax increases in the "fiscal cliff" deal. In fact, the $2.7 trillion in revenue will be the most money the federal government has collected in history.


The Royal Presidency

"...the presidential dog-walker is one of 226 White House staff earning over $100,000 a year."

Rather than be humble public servants who serve us, Washington politicians now demand we give more and more of our money to support their extravagant lifestyles. There is no reason we should be spending $1.4 billion a year on any president.

"Over the same period, the entire royal family cost British taxpayers about $57 million. There’s nothing “royal” about the current level of “presidential perks”: The Obama family costs taxpayers more than every European royal house put together."


US govt deluded that it can control Muslim Brotherhood

And why is president Obama giving Egypt more advanced weapons (20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks)?

Why Are We Giving Military Aid to Egypt

“I would hate to see American weapons, sophisticated F-16s, being used against Israel,” Vargas said in an interview. “We’ve seen historically, it could happen again, especially with the radicalization of Egypt.”

“We’re drowning in a sea of debt. Why are we spending so much money in a part of the world that doesn't like us?”


U.S.D.A. May Approve Horse Slaughtering

"...consumption of horse meat is ill-advised because of the use of various kinds of drugs in horses."


Where to Make Cuts

Obama's golf weekend with Tiger cost as much as 341 federal workers furloughed.

Who is ICE Releasing?

Curious to know if any journalists are investigating who exactly ICE is releasing? Last year ICE said they were no longer going after illegal aliens who commit minor offenses. So who then were they holding in the jails, and now releasing?

ICE changed their policy last year to only go after illegal aliens who commit felonies or three or more misdemeanors.

"The serious criminals who are coming back into this country and committing more crimes, they're the ones who should be in jail, not the low-level offenders," spokesman Steve Whitmore said.


VP Biden: Buy a Shotgun

Ha! Biden's suggestion to women... buy a double-barreled shotgun.

Former Secret Service Agent: It's Not Gun Control... It's People Control

Obama's Former Secret Service Agent: It's Not Gun Control... It's People Control.

VP Biden: Fire Your Shotgun Through the Door

Vice President Biden now says to fire your shotgun "through the door." Isn't that what Oscar Pistorius did, which resulted in the death of his girlfriend?

Day of Resistance

Michelle Obama Like an Uninvited Guest at the Oscars

Perhaps we need a separation of government and entertainment.

Brace yourself for longer lines at the doctor's office

Florida doesn't have enough doctors for Medicaid expansion, lobby group says
And this does not include the 11-30 million illegal aliens who will be signing up once they are given amnesty.


Horse Meat Found in Ikea's Swedish Meatballs

"Other shipments of meatballs were not affected, including to the U.S., even though they all come from the same Swedish supplier"

Public benefits help unemployed mom care for her 11 kids, pet horse

Is the US headed in this direction? In England the government is building a custom-built, six-bedroom house on a piece of land worth around $300,000 for an unemployed mother of 11. She started have children when she was 14-years-old, and makes enough off of welfare to pay for the care and feeding of a pet horse (about $300 a month). She wants to have more children.

Photo of Heather Frost, mother-of-11 whom is being demonized by fiscal conservatives in the UK (© Caters)


Majority of U.S. Citizens Say Illegal Immigrants Should be Deported

Will our representatives listen to the American people?  If president Obama is able to deport 400,000 illegal aliens each year who commit serious crimes in the United States, then surely we can deport 500,000 to a million illegal aliens a year.  If we take further steps to insure they cannot work or take advantage of government services, then many will self-deport.

Majority of U.S. Citizens Say Illegal Immigrants Should be Deported